'“Beauty in itself is neither unique nor terribly interesting. Finding who you truly are is the real adventure.” — Bryndl Mar

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My Story


I’m Bryndl, Aviary Skincare is my private aesthetics studio. My path from there to here has been long and windy. Born on Lopez Island in the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington State. It’s taken me into the forests of the west coast, through the deserts of the Southwest, and over the Rocky Mountains. After quite the walkabout I landed here in Portland Oregon and never looked back.

I currently live in North Portland with my wife and a Mexican street dog of a certain age, in our cat’s house. We travel, albeit less than we would like. We work harder than we should, and we find joy in tending to our community. Aviary Skincare is a queer, woman-owned family business. Wherever possible our supporting contractors are the same.

Wood & Smith Photo


My Philosophy

I believe skincare should be fun. The minute it becomes a chore or an obligation it is time to reevaluate! As a feminist and fierce woman, this industry can be challenging in many ways. My work is about supporting people in finding confidence within their own skin. Beauty in itself is neither unique nor terribly interesting to me. Finding who you truly are is the real adventure! Feeling comfortable and confident with how you present to the world can be a big part of that journey.